Dungeons and Dragons

The standard pantheon of the Raets divides the gods into two groups: the Righteous and the Tainted. (Note that the spellings of the gods' names are phonetic.)

The Righteous


The diety of caring and healing, Ssachev'n is Lawful Good. Ssachev'n is mostly followed by Raet monks. The domains he is associated with are Good, Healing, Law, and Protection. His clerics pray for spells at noon. His favored weapon is the quarterstaff.


The diety of defense and magic, M'charass'rach is Neutral Good. He is worshipped by good sorcerers and wizards. The domains he is associated with are Good, Knowledge, and Protection. His clerics pray for spells at sunrise. His favored weapon is the longspear.


The diety of love and beauty, Va'axrax is Chaotic Good. She is worshipped by bards, rogues, and female monks. She is associated with the domains of Chaos, Good, Healing, and Luck. Her clerics pray for spells at sunset. Her favored weapon is the Raet longsword.

The Tainted


The diety of premeditated crimes, Arc'xcharach is Lawful Evil. He is worshipped by the most corrupt at heart, especially assassins and blackguards. He is associated with the domains of Death, Evil, Law, and Strength. His clerics pray for spells at midnight. His favored weapon is the heavy mace.


The diety of furious passions, Ach'namarc is Neutral Evil. She is worshipped by corrupt priests and evil bards. She is associated with the domains of Evil, Luck, and Trickery. Her clerics pray for spells at dusk. Her favored weapon is the spiked chain.


The diety of death and despair, Arard is Chaotic Evil. He is worshipped by barbarians and evil fighters. He is associated with the domains of Chaos, Death, Destruction, and Evil. His clerics pray for spells at dawn. His favored weapon is the scythe.
