Dungeons and Dragons

Balmoon Pantheon

The humans of Balmoon have thier developed thier own pantheon over time, but do not regard gods as an essential part of life. Rather, they have come up with gods as a way to explain natural and unnatural things that may occur. Some gods are regarded higher then others, however.

Terium, God of Life

Terium is the Balmoon god of life, and it is said that he is the one responsible for creating life, and as an offering to keep him appeased, a newborn child must be killed every two months. The ritual is fairly simple involving killing, collecting of blood and burning the carcass of the child. He is said to be a benevolent and kind god and welcomes the sacrificed children as celestial beings in the army of life. He is the Half-Brother of Kullerum, The God of Death. His sister and wife is Muriam, the goddess of Children and Birth. He also has had romantic relationships with other minor gods, of both genders. Almost 83% of Balmoon humans pay respect for him. His father is Gorhul, God of the Moon. His mother is Yuriem, Goddess of Herbs.

Kullerum, God of Death

Kullerum is the polar opposite of his half-brother, Terium. He is cruel and unforgiving of his followers. He requires of his followers death and destruction, as well as monthly mass burnings. When an evil person dies, they go to his realm of hate, to be endlessly tortured and eaten over and over again. He captures his female followers, as he thinks women are worthless, and devilishly abuses them for all eternatity. His half-brother is Terium, God of Life. His father is Surnium, God of the Sun. His half-sister is Murium, Goddess of Newborns and Children. His mother is Yuriem, Goddess of Herbs. About 11% of Balmoon Humans are reverent towards him.

Holurth, God of the Creation

Holurth is the God of Creation, and is related to all the gods in one way or an other. He was killed in battle with Sunchredge and his Followers. Many still honor him as thier creator, but he is not regularly worshipped. Many males are named after him.


Though not prominant, the Cult of the Galf is a force to be reckoned with.

Cult of the Galf

The cult is a religion with just over 100 followers, supported by the Balmoon Militia.
