Dungeons and Dragons

The Creebin Sword is a weapon supposedly developed by the Creebin to be used in stealth murders. It is commonly hidden in a sleeve and revealed an instant before the blow is struck.

Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Range Increment Weight Type
100 gp 1d4 1d6 19-20/2 1 lbs Slashing/Piercing

The Creebin Sword is easily hidden, giving the user the ability to draw it as a free action. Only one Creebin Sword can be hidden in a sleeve, and the sleeve must be long, like a coat sleeve. Re-sheathing the blade is another free action, though it cannot be drawn and sheathed in the same turn.

Due to the internal rigging system, the weapon cannot be dropped and the user cannot be disarmed. The rig must be hidden as a light weapon using the Sleight of Hand skill or a Dexterity check. It gains a +5 bonus to avoid being spotted, but a -5 penalty to avoid being found in a search (the mechanism extends along the user's arm). The Creebin Sword is a light weapon.

If you unsheathe the Creebin Sword and then attack an opponent, on the same turn, and that opponent was unaware of the Creebin Sword being there. That opponent is considered flat-footed for your turn. However, once you use it against an opponent, you cannot use it against them again.
