Dungeons and Dragons
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Creebin are said to be descendant of elves, except they are taller and skinnier. Creebin are very smart, they pride themselves in their vast amount of knowledge. They don't have any specific county or area, save one city. The only known Creebin city is Kaplaeter. It sits far atop a mountain in Stormhold, it is one of the largest cities in existence. Their town is like almost any other town except there is the biggest library known there. Therefore they know a lot about fighting, combining speed and thought, Creebin are deadly assasins.

Game Rules

  • +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Str, -2 Cha – Creebin are agile and quick thinkers, but are weak and very secluded, so they dont like interaction with other species that much
  • Medium: As medium creatures, Creebin have no bonuses or penalties related to size.
  • Creebin base land speed is 40 feet
  • Creebin are fast acting, fast thinkers. Creebin get a +2 on all intitiative checks
  • Creebin are adept at dodging blows, they gain a +1 dodge bonus to their ac, but only in light or no armor and carrying a light load.
  • Creebin are very smart, every knowledge skill is added to their class skill list.
  • Creebin are very secluded, they take a -3 on diplomacy and intimadate checks. Creebin are also not to strong. They take a -3 penalty on all strength related skill checks
  • Creebin are weak, they get a -2 to their stregnth modifier when making an attack roll. (this penalty does not apply when they are using their dexterity mod instead of their stregnth)
  • Automatic languages: Common Bonus languages: Any
  • Favored class: Wizard
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