Dungeons and Dragons

A combat hook is basically a grappling hook modified for combat. It is used by hobgoblin commandos and thieves who like to be ready for a fight. The weapon consists of a twenty-foot long chain with a grappling hook at the end.

Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Range Increment Weight Type
50 gp 1d6 2d4 x2 reach; 15 lbs Bludgeoning/Piercing

Despite the chain's length, it is treated as a normal reach weapon (doubling a creature's natural reach). The twenty feet is for when it is used as a grappling hook. The combat hook's length for this purpose can be increased for a cost of 50 gp per ten feet, to a maximum of 50 feet. It's combat reach does not change. The combat hook is an exotic two-handed weapon.
